
Tuesday, 2 August 2016

My Olympic Games Narrative story

      Olympic Games

Have you heard have the Olympics? it is this year held in Rio de Janeiro it is in Brazil. Here is A little Narrative story.

“The Olympic Games are under away in Rio,” said the host. The Quarter finals Mixed with Men’s and Women's Mythical Gymnastics at the Rio Olympics 2016. “ And the Competitors are, JAMAICAN BOLT, Jamaica, Paul Stevens, Russian, Lucas Gustavo, Brazil”. “ And the Girls Lopez Loyd, American, Jennifer Brown, Australian. And Me the Host Anthony Point Jack”.

The athletes are ready, 10 min before something bad happend to some of the players. Loyd had some kind of poison in his sports drink, Lucas Gustavo had a tummy ache because he had some cockroaches in his tuna salad. All the others were spewing up except one person Paul Stevens. Paul Stevens Had done everything so he could win the gold medal. The Host did not know and the supporters were worried they might have not turned up.

After a time lapse of waiting a doctor had appeared in the stadium and had situated within the stadium. He had come down to the sideline with the other medics. The host said “ Would you guys be able to check up on the competitors?” The Medic said, “Sure why not” so they took off to the changing room. They  Had gone to the mens and womens changing and found the athletes lying on the ground holding their tummy. The medic quickly called the ambulance on 193 and while that happend the medic told the host about what had happend. The host said “ the games have been postponed till friday”, And then the host said, “ Be aware of Paul Stevens".

The athletes were in the hospital and were given medication to help the disease go away. It took them 3 days to get back in position and the games had carried on.   

Hope you can make it to the Olympics one day. Also you will make it only if you believe in yourself.  

Discription of learning:
Today I had Written a Narrative story based on the rio olyimpics which are coming up in a few days. As you know there are a lot of problems in Rio at the moment, So I tried to make it based on the problems. Hope you enjoy.

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